Wednesday, December 15, 2004

'Tis the Season...

This is maybe the first year in my short adult life that I have looked forward to the holidays and enjoyed the shopping experience that comes along with them. I'm really excited about giving my Mom the things I got for her. I've decided to get Britton and Bryce books from now on. They have plenty of toys now and will get more every Christmas and birthday for the next decade or so. I don't need to be contributing to that. Literacy, that's something I can get behind. Besides, the more toys they have, the more cleaning up they will have to do. And the more cleaning up that needs to be done, the less cleaning up they will do. The less cleaning up they do, the more punishment they will recieve. I don't need to be contributing to that. So literacy is my new favourite charity. And I'd like to start by spelling favourite like this. Favourite. Apparently the old man is just going to give us a wad of cash for Christmas. Time to make an annotated list of possible purchases and the anticipated costs of each of them. That will feel good. Steve: Could you help me find out which digital camera would give me the biggest, brightest bang for my buck?

I went to my Biological Anthropology class exactly six times this semsester. I got a B in the class. Something feels wrong about that. I also squeezed a C out of my European History class. Amazing. I thought I was "headed for the Big D don't mean Dallas" for sure. Maybe Dr. Bukey was feeling generous. No, that can't be it. I got a B in my German Literature class, which will in turn get me a shake of the head and a sigh from Dr. Condray at the next Stammtisch.

Movie Reviews

So last Saturday, Jamie and I went to Fiesta Square and saw Closer. It is the first movie I have ever seen in which I disliked, and even hated, all of the main characters but still liked the movie. I use the word "liked" liberally. It was entertaining and, as far as I can see with my very limited understanding of film-making, well written and directed. The movie jumps forward in time at several points, bypassing some important changes in the relationships between the characters and then shows the characters dealing with those changes after they have taken place. It only took one or two of these leaps forward to realize they were a specific tool being used and I came to expect them every so often. Clive Owen is a dick. Natalie Portman is a scalding hot hot hottie, albeit a very screwed up hot hot hottie. Jude Law is a weasel, again. Julia Roberts is an all-new Julia Roberts, and I really enjoyed her character. So I take it back, I did enjoy one of the characters in the movie. I left the theater depressed and very suspicious of the female I had seen the movie with. Is she scheming and manipulative? A passive-aggressive bi-polar psycho- sex-fiend? Is she going to going to ruin my life and go back to being a stripper? And then I was relieved. It was just Jamie. Aside from making me never want to become emotionally involved ever again, the movie was good. I give it an A. But I give every movie I ever see an A. It had a few Damien Rice songs in it, so I give it an A. Ha.

And then...
Landon, Jamie and I went to Razorback and saw Ocean's 12. It was big funny fun. It was pretty entertaining. The one thing I didn't like about 11 and don't like about 12 is the movie-goer has almost no chance of guessing how it is they are going to pull off the heist until it's over. Sure, you see them preparing for it and getting all ready and making plans, but in the end you realize you had been shown %11 of the plan and they did it in some other way. And that's fine I guess but this time around I wanted to guess, get it right and pat myself on the back and tell my friends I knew it all along. Anyway, Matt Damon was hilarious, so was Julia Roberts, I hated Catherine Zeta-Snooty-Stupid-Jones again and seeing Bruce Willis was just odd. His head looked like it had been Turtle-waxed. Twice. Get some popcorn and some M&Ms and enjoy. It's light, it's fluffy, you'll forget a lot of it, but it's entertaining. I give it an A. It had that French guy from Le Pact de Leux and I liked that and I thought he was good in 12. I give The Brotherhood of the Wolf and A too.

But the week before that...
She from the past let me borrow that French movie Amelie and that was just plain awesome. Seriously cool and entertaining. Funny, sweet, colorful. I give it an A. It had that short guy from Alien Resurrection. Seriously. Man, Alien Resurrection was downright horrible. But it had Winona Ryder in it, the love of my life. So I give it an A, along with Amelie.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Get your head out of my toilet, I want to go to bed...

Well tonight was Jamie's Christmas party and it was a great time. Finding and cutting down the tree was a good time, and it was refreshing to spend so much time outside in such nice weather, especially with someone so easy to walk and talk with. We finally found a tree and it was pretty nice looking, albeit a litte big. About 4 feet too tall, as it turned out. We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into until it was time to take it through the front door. I trimmed and trimmed and trimmed. And Jamie trimmed. And Kayla trimmed. So finally it was whittled down to a respectable size. The ladies made cookies which were delicious, we decorated the tree, we played games, snacked, made fun of eachother, and once again, the guys, outnumbered, beat the girls at Trivial Pursuit. We didn't even take much advantage of the Sports category. If I can remember correctly, the partiers included: Jamie, Sarah, Joni, Katie, Lauren, Anita, Ashley, Lauren, Erin, Chris, Brian, Josh, Travis and myself. It was a good time, I really like those people. Terra was missing though. She'd like those people, they'd like her, and she would have had a good time. Maybe next time.

So I get home and I hear vomiting. As I'm walking to the bathroom to find out what's going on, I glance into the kitchen and see and empty bottle of wine and a near-empty bottle of vodka. I immediately deduce that one of my inexperienced rommates and/or their friends have mixed booze. The easy stuff with the hard stuff. Fruity easy stuff, no less. So I walk into Kindle's bathroom and all I see is brown hair surrounding a toilet. Turns out it's Kimberly and Landon 's doing the same thing as her, only he's doing it in my bathroom. Poor kids. What were they thinking? Lesson learned the hard way, the only way a lesson is learned when liquor is involved.

Funny inside joke quote for the day: "KFC don't sell pot pies?!?"

Monday, November 29, 2004

Spin the Black Circle...

Not much going on around here. Just trying to slide through to the end of the semester and not fail any classes. You don't care, and I'm ok with that, but I can't even count how many things I have to do in the next week. Still, I refuse to sacrifice my "free time." I will have my free time. And that includes Christmas parties, dinner engagements, video games, football, movies, etc. School isn't important enough to me to make me miserable, even for a day. And my grades will prove that to anyone who doesn't believe me.

Monday, November 22, 2004

One More Cup of Coffee for the Road...

So I'm only one class away from Thanksgiving break. I'm really going to try to get caught up with all of the things I've let slip behind. If you see me, and I'm not doing anything constructive, please, please remind me.

Thursday, November 18, 2004


So I got my hair cut and I look gorgeous! No, really, I look fantastic. Big thanks to Mindy at Shag.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Brought Down Like An Old Hotel...

Faster than a pendulum could swing from one side to the other. It's hard to think the four brightest days of this semester have already come and gone. So close, but still so far out of reach.
Beata Solitudo
Sola Beatitudo

Monday, November 15, 2004

Oh Simple Thing, Where Have You Gone?

Listen to this: Keane "Somewhere Only We Know"

Monday, November 08, 2004

Twist and Shout...

I sprained my ankle last Saturday while playing basketball. I almost never play basketball. And it looks like I might not play it again. I tend to stop doing things that cause me pain. I tore some ligaments, it swelled up and it looks really gross. I've got this cool, black air splint thing that looks like something Darth Vader might wear if he sprained his ankle. Plus, I got some percodan. So it will be just like old times here in about 30 minutes. The Parking Department gave me a handicapped pass once I shelled out $37 for an off-campus pass. Ugh. Every time I have to give them money I feel like less of a human being and more like a drone. And then I ate Chinese food. So I give today a five for bad and a three for good.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

It's Not Me, It's the Disease.

The 19th Century European History test wasn't as bad as I thought. It was actually so simple that if I had actually read the books assigned, I'm certain I could have gotten an A. But that's not my style. My style is to put everything off until the last minute, and then to go one step further and half-ass the cramming. But it's over now and I am in a much better mood. The weather also picked me up a little today, after sending me to the basement the last couple of days. I am lucky to have people around me to make me laugh and I am quite thankful for that. I've already apologized to my European friends about the outcome of the election. Hopefully I will be left alone this spring. It's hard to defend yourself against stereotypes in a foreign language. I got a $40 parking ticket today. Glad I didn't bet on that one.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The Adventure of a Lifetime...

What an exciting time to be me. The Red Sox won the World Series, I got a killer deal on a jacket this weekend, Jamie's 21st birthday extravaganza was an absolute riot (complete with karaoke and drag-queens), I got an A on my German Literature test, and today we are choosing the next President. I think I'll just close my eyes and hope November goes by as fast as October did. Ugh. This semester. Definitely going to hurt my GPA.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Happy Birthday Jamie!

Happy 21st Birthday! Drink plenty of water today!

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Full circle...

Sure, you could say "It's just baseball." and you'd be right. It is just baseball, it is just a game. I've only been to Boston a couple of times, and I've only seen one game at Fenway, but while watching the Red Sox win last night I was overcome with a sense of relief for the people of New England. Now they can relax, for at least a month or so, and not have to worry about when their chance will come. It came. It's here and now. And my friends and I have been watching and cheering the Sox and we too feel like we belong to something special. It may be just a game, but it is a historic one. We are part of a lucky group of people who, for maybe just once in our lifetimes, have seen the Red Sox win the World Series.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

To whom it may concern...

Hey. So I've been hearing that my blog, particularly my profile, says too little about who I am. So I'm going to dedicate some time in the near future to filling out all the tid-bits and FYIs that might interest you. Please check back again soon.

Update: I've added some things to the "About Me" section and I'll tackle the interests, favourite movies, etc. when I have some time to ponder those types of things. "Y'all come back now, ya hear?" Ah, the Beverly Hillbillies. It's like watching my family reunion in black and white.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

What did I say?

Red Sox win. Christmas comes early for Red Sox Nation.

Monday, October 18, 2004

I thought I told you that we won't stop....

The Red Sox have won each of the last two nights in unbelievable fashion. These are the types of wins that simply don't happen to the Red Sox. It is the job of every Red Sox player to break the hearts of the fans that adore them. We are fully prepared for that. So what's going on? Two extra-inning wins. A perfect preformance by an "inferior" bullpen. Schilling is back. Mark Bellhorn got two base-hits. Something is going on here. I don't know what it is. But I like it. I'd really like to see it two more times.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Let's get one thing straight...

This is my blog. All of my friends were doing it, so I decided to do it too. (How many times am I going to use that excuse?) I don't know how often I'll be posting. I'm not going to mess with the colors or have really cool plug-ins or anything like that. Generic is what I'm going for. And I promise not to expand stupid things that happen to me into any sort of life lesson or anything like that either. You don't want to hear it and I don't want to write it. If you are one of my reallivefriends, don't ask me why I haven't posted recently or what I meant by such and such. You'll get ignored or slapped. This isn't my life, it's only the part I want you to see. And a lot of it will probably be made up.