Sunday, December 05, 2004

Get your head out of my toilet, I want to go to bed...

Well tonight was Jamie's Christmas party and it was a great time. Finding and cutting down the tree was a good time, and it was refreshing to spend so much time outside in such nice weather, especially with someone so easy to walk and talk with. We finally found a tree and it was pretty nice looking, albeit a litte big. About 4 feet too tall, as it turned out. We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into until it was time to take it through the front door. I trimmed and trimmed and trimmed. And Jamie trimmed. And Kayla trimmed. So finally it was whittled down to a respectable size. The ladies made cookies which were delicious, we decorated the tree, we played games, snacked, made fun of eachother, and once again, the guys, outnumbered, beat the girls at Trivial Pursuit. We didn't even take much advantage of the Sports category. If I can remember correctly, the partiers included: Jamie, Sarah, Joni, Katie, Lauren, Anita, Ashley, Lauren, Erin, Chris, Brian, Josh, Travis and myself. It was a good time, I really like those people. Terra was missing though. She'd like those people, they'd like her, and she would have had a good time. Maybe next time.

So I get home and I hear vomiting. As I'm walking to the bathroom to find out what's going on, I glance into the kitchen and see and empty bottle of wine and a near-empty bottle of vodka. I immediately deduce that one of my inexperienced rommates and/or their friends have mixed booze. The easy stuff with the hard stuff. Fruity easy stuff, no less. So I walk into Kindle's bathroom and all I see is brown hair surrounding a toilet. Turns out it's Kimberly and Landon 's doing the same thing as her, only he's doing it in my bathroom. Poor kids. What were they thinking? Lesson learned the hard way, the only way a lesson is learned when liquor is involved.

Funny inside joke quote for the day: "KFC don't sell pot pies?!?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm so glad you had a good time! thank you again for taking me on our Christmas tree adventure! the girls are taking you down next time... we will not let you go 3-0.
