Monday, November 08, 2004

Twist and Shout...

I sprained my ankle last Saturday while playing basketball. I almost never play basketball. And it looks like I might not play it again. I tend to stop doing things that cause me pain. I tore some ligaments, it swelled up and it looks really gross. I've got this cool, black air splint thing that looks like something Darth Vader might wear if he sprained his ankle. Plus, I got some percodan. So it will be just like old times here in about 30 minutes. The Parking Department gave me a handicapped pass once I shelled out $37 for an off-campus pass. Ugh. Every time I have to give them money I feel like less of a human being and more like a drone. And then I ate Chinese food. So I give today a five for bad and a three for good.


terra said...

Sorry about your ankle (once again). Hey, you know what always makes me feel better? Hanging out with kids, like my four year old cousin Sam. Something about hanging out with little kids and their outlook on life just makes things better... so you should go see your nephews. I bet they'll think your Darth Vaderish splint is rockin.

jmporter said...

Terra: My nephews are pretty good at cheering me up, but they might end up kicking me in the leg or something and making it worse. Nicole: Thanks for your concern (and pity?), it's nice to hear from you. It should be better in about a week. Do you ever have these problems in your athletic classes?