Thursday, August 18, 2005

The truth, well you know there's no stopping it.

It's time for updates. One-liners, headliners. There are so many things going on it would be impossible to summarize the last month and a half.

Tomorrow (later today) I start my evening job at Butterfield Trail Village, washing dishes. Should be fine, perfect hours for me, 5pm-9pm three nights a week, every other weekend. As soon as the school year starts and settles down I imagine there will be plenty of substitute positions for my Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. If not, I could probably work with my dad or find something else.

Amber's having a baby girl in November. She seems really excited and I'm happy for her if she's happy for herself.

My mom and Mike went to Rhode Island for a sailing course and are now licensed sailers and are looking for a lady of their own.

Only 9 hours away from my bachelors degrees in History and German.

Things going swimmingly with Jamie, we're in love, making plans.

I really like the new White Stripes album.

"The Ballad of Jack and Rose" was really good. Touching, in ways both chilling and heart-warming. "The Skeleton Key" was interesting, different. And it was free. Thanks Shook.

I think that's a decent start. It should get the ball rolling, at the very least.


Anonymous said...

It's about time!

Anonymous said...

I am very excited and very happy that you're also happy.