Friday, July 01, 2005

Three Days.

Today I turned in my last papers and pick up some of my grades. I stayed up all night doing them, that's sort of my style. Once I admitted to myself that they didn't have to be perfect and that something was better than nothing, it went pretty smoothly. I picked up some groceries, went to the apartment, made tacos, ate too many tacos, watched "Bull Durham" and fell asleep. After I woke up I cleaned my room some more and vacuumed. I hope I can get everything packed up and to the airport with as little stress as possible. Three days. I narrowly avoided some sort of breakdown this week. Things were looking pretty dire. I haven't felt that way since high school, out of control like that, like I had no control over my thoughts. It went away though. I'm not sure why the walls started closing in on me, so close to being home. I sure wish I was home already. I wish I was home in May. But I'll take three days.

Some things I think and I think you should know:

The most popular dance song in Austria this summer is "Summer of '69" by Bryan Adams. No, I'm not kidding. It's not a remix either. Bryan ****ing Adams.

Escalators are a very dramatic way of going up and down.

I want to like Keith Foulke. He's probably more frustrated than the fans are. But if you're paid to do a certain job, and you can't do it, maybe you shouldn't do it, or at least shouldn't be paid for it. And you certainly shouldn't insult the people who are paying you to do the job you're not doing.

Tom Cruise needs to disappear for 8 to 12. Just go away. Take a breather. For everyone's sake.

I'm more dependent on the internet than I ever thought I would be.

I'm nervous about Bush nominating Supreme Court Justices.

Ugh. Way too many tacos.

My girlfriend is super awesome.


Anonymous said...

Who's Keith Foulke? I agree on the Bush thing --- really, I do.

Anonymous said...

Hope for another Sandra Day. She was rockin'

terra said...

2 more days, i'm super excited.

jmporter said...

Keith Foulke is the closer for the Red Sox, Mom. No surprise there, Jamie. Terra, will you still be excited if I don't call you until September? Haha. Just kidding.